Our Team

Nadia Drizi Social Presciber
Nadia is one of our social prescriber workers, helping to signpost and support people into activities and services to improve their health and wellbeing.

Jasmine Tippett Community Development Worker
Jasmine works in the South Bristol area to help to connect people with their communities.

Emma Mukerjee Social Prescriber for Hospital Discharge (South Bristol)
Emma is one of our social prescriber workers. She works with patients who have been discharged from South Bristol Hospital, helping to signpost and support them into activities and services to improve their health and wellbeing.

Karen Pitman Social Prescriber
Karen is one of our social prescriber workers, helping to signpost and support people into activities and services to improve their health and wellbeing.

Clare Bathurst Social Prescriber
Clare is a social prescriber and can help you to find services and activities to help improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Emma Smallwood Community Connections Worker
Emma is the Community Connector Worker for South Bristol. She works in local community to help people take steps to connect to one another, access support and be part of their community.

Kathy Kingdon Community Wellbeing Coach
Kathy is our Community Wellbeing Coach, and she is her to support you to get more movement into your everyday life. It could be a gentle stroll, swimming, going to the gym, gardening, or just helping you to move more at home.

John Green Man Alive Leader
John runs Man Alive!, a group for men in Knowle West and across South Bristol. Drop him a line if you want to find out more, join the group or get involved with the group’s activities.

Kathleen Woodhouse Community Development for Older People
Kathleen is working to improve opportunities for older people to get involved in their local community.

Justine Rowe Finance Officer
Justine is our Finance Officer and can deal with all financial queries.

Liz Nash Administrator
If you drop into the Healthy Living Centre or phone, you are more than likely to speak to Liz, our wonderful administrator. She knows all there is to know about our services, and if she can’t answer your question she will always find out and get back to you. She collects and inputs the majority of our evaluation and monitoring forms onto our database (poor Liz).

Sally Laken Social Prescriber
Sally is a Social Prescriber and can help support you to find services and activities to make positive changes in your life.

Heather Williams Chief Executive
Heather is the woman you want to talk to for overall information on the strategic priorities and direction of the company, as well as wider Health Park developments.

Sue Cooke Operations Manager
Sue manages our range of holistic healthy living activities and services, for adults of all ages, children and families. These include activities to build fitness, improve diet, build self-confidence and improve your sense of wellbeing. She also manages the Active Lifestyles work and Man Alive project. Sue oversees the evaluation/monitoring of our work and the promotion of our services.

Laura Hathway Social Prescriber
Laura is a social prescriber, and she can help you to find activities and services here and in the local area, to help improve your health and wellbeing.