Thanks for visiting our website and we hope you are well.

The groups and Activities currently taking place at the Healthy Living Centre are:

Monday Walking Group. Take a stroll around the Health Park grounds in the fresh air. Meet 10.15am ready for 10.30am start.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday walking groups. These walks take place in local green spaces.

Art Ease Group. Tuesday or Wednesday Morning, 9.45am-12.00pm.

Fun and Fab Women’s Group. Thursdays 10.00am-12.00pm

Man Alive Men’s group, Monthly breakfast on the 1st Friday of the Month, and various activities or meetings throughout the month.

Move Together Strength and Balance. Wednesdays, 9.45am-10.45am & 11am-12.00m. A fun exercise session to strengthen the body and mind.

Stretch and Roll Women’s Exercise Class – Thursdays, 7.30pm-8.30pm. Women’s Exercise class with an introduction Jiu Jitsu and Yoga.

Tai Chi for over 50’s. Mondays, 1.30-2.30pm. Easy to learn movements to improve strength, flexibility, balance and wellbeing.

Pop up café. Every Wednesday 9.30am-12.00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us for tea and toast, and a friendly chat.

Circus Skills 8 week Course. Tuesdays, 1.30-3.30pm, starting on the 3rd September. come and learn some fun circus skills such as juggling and spinning plates.

Housing Matters, every other Wednesday 10am-12.00pm. Starting on the 18th September 2024. Drop in advice for housing issues.


For more info on any of these groups and activities, please call us on 0117 377 22 52 or e-mail


Please click on the link below for an update on the Knowle West Health Park play space by the Knowle West Alliance.

Knowle West Health Park update


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